Join A Workgroup

Monthly Workgroup Meetings

There are three Local Health Improvement Planning (LHIP) Workgroups that meet monthly to improve population health in Frederick County.

What to expect:

These current workgroups were formed in 2022 and will end in 2025 when we re-evaluate the community’s health needs with the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). If you are joining mid-cycle, please recognize that the work has already started.

To get you up to speed, we will share logic models, action plans, and planned initiatives so that everyone can participate in ongoing meetings and events. You can also check out each Workgroup’s meeting minutes on their pages.

A cycle showing Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), Local Health Improvement Plan (LHIP), and United Our Community Toward a Healthier Future in a repetitive circle flow
icon with a heart inside of a house

Adverse Childhood Experiences in Adolescents

This group no longer meets as of August 2024.

icon with a drop from finger tip

Type 2 Diabetes

Meets on 4th Wednesday of the month

1pm to 2:30pm via Zoom

icon with puzzle pieces and brain

Mental Health

Meets on 3rd Tuesday of the month

1pm to 2:30pm via Zoom

Workgroups are Open to Everyone!

We invite all interested members of the public and community partners to participate in these workgroups. 

Share your passion for community health and health equity, and work alongside other community members who share your commitment. 

Remember, workgroups operate on three-year cycles. If you want to join mid-cycle, we will share logic models, action plans, and planned initiatives so that everyone can participate in ongoing meetings and events.

illustration of people speaking with overlapping speech bubbles

Already a Workgroup Member?

Make sure you have completed the Workgroup Member Expectations and Guidelines form!

Local Health Improvement Process Workgroup Member Stipend Information

If your employer is not covering the cost of your attendance for LHIP activities, you could qualify for a monthly stipend to participate in the LHIP process.

If you are interested in receiving the Workgroup member stipend, first review the LHIP Workgroup Member Stipend Policy and Eligibility Criteria.

Next, follow the procedure below that is also outlined in the policy.

For any questions, contact Summer McClellan by email at,
or by phone at 240-831-1793.


  1. Review and understand the LHIP Workgroup Member Stipend Policy and Eligibility Criteria.  

  2. Complete and submit the Local Health Improvement Process Workgroup Member Stipend Application. If you need assistance completing the application or any other supporting documents, contact Summer at to schedule a time to do so via email, phone, or in person.  

  3. Complete and submit a W-9 via a secure form. Download the W-9 form here. Instructions can be found here.

  4. Review the Workgroup Member Orientation Presentation.

  5. Actively participate in the Workgroup(s) by following the eligibility criteria to receive the $225.00 quarterly stipend.

  6. Each applicant will complete the Quarterly Evaluation form to evaluate their level of participation. The Quarterly Evaluation form is due within the first 14 days of each new quarterIf you are a member of more than one Workgroup, complete a separate form for each one. Workgroup members participating in more than one Workgroup are eligible to receive a monthly stipend for participation in each one, upon eligibility criteria being met. This will be reviewed by the Workgroup Coordinator and Program Manager. Approval or denial confirmation of the stipend for the previous quarter will be sent via email following the end of each quarter.

  7. Stipends will be paid within the first five weeks of each new quarter. If an accepted member does not receive their check within 3 weeks following the first five weeks of each new quarter, they are to contact immediately. 

Stipend Document Library

What does each Workgroup seek to do?

Advocate for environmental changes to decrease risk factors that negatively impact our community’s health

Advocate for changes to increase protective factors that impact prevention, treatment or healing.

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