Join the Coalition Board of Directors

Interested in having influence in shaping health and wellness infrastructure in Frederick County?

The Coalition for a Healthier Frederick County seeks new members with diverse backgrounds and perspectives to join its Board of Directors and help us continue to make Frederick County healthier. We know that to meet our mission of improving Frederick County’s wellness and resiliency equitably; we need to include individuals with a wide range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, expertise, knowledge, and lived experiences to ensure the strongest positive impact on our community.

To ensure that we honor our commitment to a diverse and inclusive board, we are expanding our recruitment to additional community networks and the public at large. We want to recruit members who share our vision for equitable access to the resources and opportunities required to prosper physically and mentally.

Healthier Frederick is looking for individuals representative of Frederick County who can help support our vision for a productive, resilient, and thriving community where all people have a voice in their health. Board members will attend monthly meeting, serve on committees as needed, attend two events a year, and take part in the annual board planning retreat. Detailed board expectations can be found here.

Although positions can become available throughout the year, typically openings occur each year after June 30th when terms expire. We encourage all interested candidates to apply or consider recommending candidates who you feel would be a good fit. Healthier Frederick is looking to increase the diversity of voices on our board. While we encourage all community members with an interest in applying, currently, we are specifically interested in candidates who have lived experience in one of the current LHIP priorities:

  • Food & Nutrition: Lack of Access to Affordable Healthy Food

  • Housing: Inadequate Affordable Housing Supply

  • Mental Health: Lack of Awareness of Accessibility of Resources

  • Mental Health: Stigma Around Mental Health

  • Racial Equity & Justice: Institutional and Systemic Racism

The slate of candidates is submitted by May 15th for review and voted on during Healthier Frederick’s June board meeting. Candidates will receive notification within three days of the June meeting. Those elected will serve two-year terms, with a limit of only two consecutive terms in the same position.

If interested, please review the Board Member Expectations and contact us at with your interest and a copy of your up to date resume.

The Board of Directors manages the Community Needs Health Assessment (CHNA) and the Local Health Improvement Process (LHIP), oversees the LHIP Workgroup initiatives and events, and serves as the focal point for all Coalition and Workgroup communications.

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