Local Health Improvement Plan
The health of our community does not depend on one organization alone.
The Local Health Improvement Plan (LHIP) identifies the priorities from the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and architects the roadmap to bring that plan into action.
Our Coalition provides a structure for organizations to collaborate on each of the health priorities, called “Planning Workgroups.” Each Workgroup has a lead facilitator from one of our partner organizations, a coordinator from our Coalition, and a framework to make actionable change.
Health Improvement Process
Assess health of community
Determine priorities for health improvement
Create plan which includes implementing programs or policies
Evaluate and share the impact of programs or policies
Repeat cycle
Existing data on Frederick County health was collected in Spring and Summer of 2021
Distributed Public Survey with 4K+ respondents in Summer 2021
Conducted Focus Groups in Fall 2021
Health Care Coalition selected five health concerns that are ready for further action
Hosted Public Input Session on Jan. 19th, 2022
Based on compilation of feedback, the Health Care Coalition Board selected the following 3 public health priorities: mental health, type 2 diabetes, and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in adolescents
What was the process for the 2022 LHIP?
Current Priorities
These priorities were selected through a robust assessment process with substantial community input within the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) process. Now, health partners collaborate with members of our community in one of our three Health Improvement Planning Workgroups and turn ideas into action.
Adverse Childhood Experiences in Adolescents
Raising awareness about the impact of toxic stress on children and families and promoting systems that build healthy brains and reduce the effects of toxic stress
Type 2 Diabetes
Broadening awareness of Type 2 Diabetes amongst community members and the medical community to make it easier to prevent and manage this chronic illness
Mental Health
Helping the community understand that “mental health” is “health,” because mental health disorders are common, treatable, and in many cases, preventable