Uniting us towards a healthier Frederick County

2025 Draft CHNA Report Available for Public Comment

The Frederick County Health Department, Frederick Health, and the Coalition for a Healthier Frederick County have developed a new Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). Community members are invited to review the draft CHNA report and provide feedback by April 4, 2025.

Current Priorities

These priorities were selected through a robust assessment process with substantial community input within the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) process. Now, health partners collaborate with members of our community in one of our three Health Improvement Planning Workgroups and turn ideas into action.

icon with a heart inside of a house

Adverse Childhood Experiences in Adolescents

Raising awareness about the impact of toxic stress on children and families and promoting systems that build healthy brains and reduce the effects of toxic stress

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Type 2 Diabetes

Broadening awareness of type 2 diabetes amongst community members and the medical community to make it easier to prevent and manage this chronic illness

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Mental Health

Helping the community understand that “mental health” is “health,” because mental health disorders are common, treatable, and in many cases, preventable

three women smiling together

We need stories like yours.

We all have our own health journey, and we witness the health and wellbeing of our families and loved ones. At the Coalition, we seek to make a lasting impact on our community’s health, and that success relies on our capacity to understand the challenges and opportunities that our residents face. If you would like to get involved to share your perspective on health and wellbeing, please contact us.

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